Hi there 👋, my name is Li Boxiu, an undergraduate from Huazhong University Of Science And Technology(hust).

I like building things and learning new stuff and I’m experienced in writing code in Golang/Rust/PHP/C#.

I’m currently focus on building a new language called Pivot Lang.

If you want to chat, just drop me an email.

I’m also a big fan of open source, here’s a list of some projects I’ve built:

1. Pivot Lang

A Rust-like language with immix gc and other cool stuffs, I’ve implement the well-known tutorial Ray Tracing In One Weekend in it.


2. Blazor.Cropper

A blazor library provide a component to crop image, written in almost pure C#, has ability to crop moving gif. base=>
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3. Immix GC

The well known immix garbage collector implementation in Rust. Can be integrate easily into any language using LLVM as backend.